Wednesday, February 8, 2012

gulf water gear.

This past weekend, Chris and I drove down to New Orleans for a boat show. 

Sounds so random at first, but not so much when you know what I've been working on lately.... Chris has a great friend who has ventured out to start his own business, Gulf Water Gear. I have been so lucky to be pulled into this fun project. I have loved every second of it. It is not everyday you get to design everything from logo to product design to packaging and eventually some good boat show booth decorating. These guys are so passionate about what they do and that is what makes it so fun to work with them. Make sure to check out their WEBSITE and purchase some goodies. And of course, we would love to have you friend us on facebook and keep up with what the guys are doing, just click HERE and add as friend.  Here are a few snapshots of the Spring 2012 Product Line.

Monday, February 6, 2012

kitchen. paint.

Choosing a paint color has not been the easiest process for me. All the factors that go into a simple paint color are insane! We were discussing this with my parents one night, it starts out simple... Are we going to stay in this house for a while or will we move? ... If we move, where would we move? ... Where do we want to send our kids to school so we can make sure to move to a good school district? ... then we are off on high school education before I know it, all to pick a simple color of paint! craziness!

The good news is, I think after 3 jars of sample paint, I have found the one. Here is the sample board of the "Prairie Smoke." You can see the yellow that the kitchen is now. A little too "in yo face" for me! The piece of furniture it is sitting on is in the process of being all the way sanded down so it can get painted something fun. I also attached the true "before" picture of it along with the painting that helped inspire by Sarah Manning.

Friday, February 3, 2012

old name. new business.

So I have officially launched M*ink designs. Click here to see the official website.

Here are some pics from the photo shoot for the website.